Monday, January 12, 2009

Bankangelegenheiten ctd.

I thought I had settled everything.... well, yes - sort of: They did what I wanted them to do and called me twice to tell me that my bank had charged me the comparably horrendous sum of 30 pounds for the transaction! So of my once 125 pounds (that half a year ago would have been about 150 Euros), ridiculous 75 Euros have now reached my Austrian account... bad luck..

The nice - Scottish - guy I talked to today also confirmed to me that they've changed my address correctly now..... I had reasons to doubt that as again I got a letter that had been directed to Australia first. The envelope bore very annoyed handwritten directions (in energetic capital): NOT AUSTRALIA
(with Austria underlined once and Europa even twice...)

Hopefully, they'll get it right next time...

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